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2022 UMA Student Art Exhibition
April 9 - April 29, 2022

Refraction - Mac.jpg
This annual exhibition features the work of students who have taken art classes at UMA over the past year. The exhibition is juried by UMA Art faculty members, with awards chosen by a special Juror of Awards. This year's Juror of Awards was the artist and gallerist Tessa Greene O'Brien, who selected the student artists for awards this year based on their works in the show.

Image: Mac, "Refraction," 24 x 18 inches, Pen and Ink. Included in the 2019 - 2021 Virtual Student Art Exhibition

A Short Video on the 2022 UMA Student Art Exhibition (by Robert Rainey)

Exhibiting Artists

2022 Awardees

Alicia June Bell
Allison Walton
Barclay Finck
Bruce Forbes
Camryn Elliott
Christie Goulet
Courtney Harmon
Creed Griffin
Ell Snider
Emily Allen


Excellence in Drawing: Creed Griffin

Excellence in Carving: Qamar Cowger

Excellence in Sculpture: Courtney Harmon

Excellence in Digital Media: Juliana Hoffmann

Excellence in Photography: Alicia Bell

Excellence in Painting: Sally Wagley

Excellence in Relief Sculpture: Katie Philbrick

Excellence in Ceramics: Jami Fowler

Socially Conscious Art Award: Wendi Luther

Juror's Choice Award: Bruce Forbes

HL Raynes
Jami Lynn Fowler
Jared Winslow

Julia Basham
Juliana Hoffmann
Katie Philbrick
Natalie Rohman
Qamar Cowger
Sally Wagley
Sheila M Lynch
Wendi Luther
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